Top Libraries for Objective-C: Today, where everything in iOS is migrating toward swift, objective-c is now considered as old fashioned and also less in demand nowadays. Every client wants it software or app to be develop in latest technology but still objective-c is stable and many developers yet develop iOS apps in objective-c language and whereas swift is still upgrading and changes are coming in every new launch of its version like swift 1.0 – 1.1 – 2.0 – 2.1 – 2.2 – 2.3 – 3.0 – 3.1 – 3.2 – 4.0 and many more to come because apple does not declared it as stable and final version yet. And if developer choose for objective-c then he must know some important and basic libraries that are important as well as makes easy coding.
Top Objective-C Libraries
1. AFNetworking
AFNetworking is third party library that used for getting data and posting data from web-services. For Getting data and posting or we can say uploading data to server we connect to APIs/web-services and if we do without third party library it becomes headache to maintain it flow and maintaining posting and receiving response and everything become very difficult. AFNetworking makes it much easier for us to make call to api and get data and post data.
2. HTMLKit
HTMLKit is third party library for parsing of html content. Suppose your response is coming html data type and you have to collect data from that content than it can be difficult to do that on your own rather using this HTMLKit makes it very easy and convenient for you. It becomes very easy to extract your desire content from html content. Even in API response html content comes if backend coded for html response than HTMLKit can save your time and efforts in parsing that content for you.
3. MJRefresh
MJRefresh is third party library which handle push to refresh action in your app. Refreshing content with pull to refresh action is now common but also become a very demanding feature nowadays that has to be in your app if your app contain listing with some action changes in it and though to implement this with default function can be a hard option rather you can simply implement by adding MJRefresh into your project.
4. SVProgressHUD
SVProgressHUD is third party library which shows progress activity to indicate that some task is going on background so that user can understand that he has to wait while task is going on. In default elements there is UIActivityIndicator to do this work which apple also uses everywhere in its UI but sometimes you have to make your app look different, classy and attractive so in that case SVProgressHUD has its custom activity indicator and it can be your good option.
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